Dear Friends,

It’s hard to put into words, but not long ago God began to burden my heart with the needs of lost and hurting people in far off places.   I was faced with the stark contrast of two realities.  First, that we have been richly blessed physically and materially, and we’ve been given ready access to the saving truth of the Gospel with a church on nearly every corner.  But God began to overwhelmingly burden my heart with another reality;  that there are multitudes of isolated people living in remote places who do not have access to the Good News and are even struggling to physically survive.

People are dying every day in these places  where there is no clean water, minimal food & no access to any medical care… people who have never even had a chance to hear the name of our Savior.  “How, then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?” (Rom 10:14)    God had given me a deeper sense of His love for  unreached people living in remote places and of His desire to know them; His desire for relationship with them and the desperate need for them to hear the saving Gospel message.    It was clear that God was moving and that he wanted us to take it to them.

As a pilot & aircraft mechanic  I knew God was calling me to reach them using airplanes.  I couldn’t escape the fact that they were living and dying without ever having known about Living Water, The Bread of Life, The Healer, and The Word of God.  All while I was living in the most affluent country in the world, content and complacent in my comfortable and busy life with a career, Bible College training and 10 different bible translations in my library.

When I was in college I got my pilots license and then went on to recieve a degree at an aviation university where I furthered my flight training and also recieved my FAA aircraft mechanics licenses.  I later attended Bible College.

After God called me to this and we surrendered our lives to it, He opened many doors incuding the opportunity for us to go to Tanzania, Africa for what we felt was “on-site for insight”.  Before we had even set foot in Africa I knew He had called us to go there with an airplane. In faith, we went to Tanzania pursuing the work that was now in our hearts.  While there we received confirmation and favor on every level and God sealed in our hearts a commitment to labor with our lives in this work.

There is excitement in our hearts as we watch God’s plan unfolding in our lives.  We look forward in faith with our 3 children as we continue to live out the ministry God has called us to.
We believe that in these days God is still calling His church to forsake the world, to give it all up and go to the ends of the earth for the sake of the Gospel.  This work will not be done in a ‘short term missions trip’.  God is calling His Church to go to the nations and not look back, to surrender our lives and leave it all behind.

It was nearly two thousand years ago that Jesus commanded His church with the Great Commission – to make disciples of all nations. What an honor to live when this goal can be reached in our lifetime!

The great commission requires great action.  Please consider partnering with us in this work.  What we do together can impact the lives and eternities of generations to come.

God bless you,

Scott Brallier